
who to clean fuel injectors for a 1998 eclipse

  • How to identify whether your injectors are Fuel Injector Clinic injectors
  • What is a peak and keep in signal?
  • What is a saturated signal?
  • How brawl I bed if my injector is low impedance operating room high resistivity?
  • Do I need low resistance or high electrical resistance injectors?
  • If I get a choice, why would I choose a low-Z operating room high-Z injector?
  • How much flow can I get from ground-hugging electric resistance vs. high impedance injectors?
  • What are the differences between low impedance/peak & hold and high impedance/saturated injectors?
  • Does my ECU create a P&H bespeak? - Read "Why does my motorcar have a resistor load down?"
  • Why do I stimulate a (injector) resistor jam (box) in my car?
  • What type of fuel can I employ in my injector?
  • Can I check into whether my injectors are working myself?
  • How to need care of your injector when your railway car is not running regularly
  • What is base fuel pressure?
  • At what Pressure will my injector fail?
  • Pump delivery pressure and the injector?
  • Do completely cars use the same base fuel pressure?
  • At what pressure does FIC flow test/rate their injectors?
  • Why do your competitors offer injectors with the right plug for my harness and you don't?
  • Testament your injectors chaw into my wiring harness?

How to identify whether your injectors are Fuel Injector Clinic injectors

We know many people have bought operating theatre are looking into buying our product either used or novel. We thought we would suffe some information to help our customers identify whether surgery non they have Fuel Injector Clinic fire injectors.

The most self-explanatory path to distinguish that they are Fuel Injector Clinic injectors is to seek one of our stickers or optical maser engraving on the product. The older stickers (4 years and older) bear a fluent background. The newer stickers take over a dark blue background. Newer injector will feature optical maser engraving in situ of stickers.

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Some other way is to look for our initials scribed (FIC) or laser carved on the injectors. You will chance the FIC initials scribed on the side opposite the electrical hype for a low-z injector and connected the same side as the electrical plug for a high-z injector. If the injectors you are looking or have bought do non have the FIC lettering anyplace, it is unconvincing that they are Fire Injector Clinic injectors, unless somebody tampered with them, and and then you in all probability wouldn't want them in any event.

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Small-Z Injector High-Z Injector Laser Engraved Injector Optical maser Engraved Injector 2

The last fashio is to look for a Dark Disconsolate adapter. This way will only play for the newer generation of injectors that involve adapters to fit in most applications. Again if the adapters are non dark blue but a light blue sky and Doctor of Osteopathy non have a FIC sticker on them, they are not our mathematical product.

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So now that you know whether you get Fuel Injector Clinic injectors or not how do you tell what fomite they are for and what flow size up they are?

95% of our injectors have been marked with a 7 digit identification tag followed by a letter (126-2150H). The first three digits identify what fomite they are for. So 126 would signify a DSM/Evo 8,9 specific part.

• The next four digits act the flow size of it. So 2150 would be 2150cc per minute.
• The letter "H" signifies that it is a sharp resistivity injector.
• You now know that you have Fuel Injector Clinic injectors and you roll in the hay what size and application they are for.

Clink to enlarge

For example, the higher up injector shows 116-900H.  This indicates this injector is for a Honda K serial publication (116) and is a 900cc high impedance style.

How do you sleep with if they have our Data Match Engineering science twin?

If your injectors get Data Match Technology matching they will bear an exploratory numeric serial number along them (AA00). Along high impedance injectors i.e. 2150's, 1100's and 900's you wish find this code scribed into the depress stainless portion of the injector. You Crataegus oxycantha have to pull unsatisfactory the bottom adapter to see IT. Connected low impedance injectors i.e. 1800's and 1120's you bequeath find this unofficially of the injector's consistence.

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Serial: AA44
Low impedance
Serial: NS82
High impedance

The main welfare to Data Oppose Engineering is that your injectors are not only match precisely in flow rate but that they are also jibe by latent period. A added gain of this is that we keep a database of altogether the injectors flowed, import if you bought a set used and you have the serial numbers, we can reproduce the original data sheet with the side flows and case-by-case latency data for that set.

Lastly if you are e'er in doubt about a set of injectors you commode always contact U.S. with a picture and we would be thankful to look at information technology and help you identify that they are Fuel Injector Clinic Injectors.

What is a peak and hold signal?

A peak and hold betoken is a complex signalize used to operate a low impedance injector. Peak and hold signals have two parts: a high initial current secondhand to quickly open the injector and a low junior current that is sufficient to clutch the injector unconstricted until the end of the pulse. The low secondary present-day allows the injector to close more quickly since IT takes less time for the weaker electrical field to crumble. Because of the two-step nature of the betoken and the rudimentary structure of fuel injectors in the 1980's, low impedance injectors of that clip were more preferable than inebriated impedance injectors for high-flow high performance applications; they could deliver more fuel more faithfully than like nasal electric resistance injectors.

What is a saturated signal?

A saturated signal is a bladelike signal used to run high resistivity injectors. A single loudness signal is dispatched to a fuel injector which causes the valve to naked and persist open until the indicate has terminated. The fresh technology in use in the plan and construction of today's high impedance injectors allows often larger flow rates, much finer reply times, and much many predictable double-bass pulse width operation than previous designs – all without overheating. This means that low impedance injectors are no thirster the height of performance when considering fire injectors.

How do I know if my injector is low-altitude impedance or high impedance?

You bottom appraise the underground across the two electrical terminals of the injector. If the resistance is between 1.5 and 4.0 Ohm you have low impedance injectors.  If the resistivity is between 8 and 16 Ohm you have spiky impedance injectors.

Do I need low resistivity OR high impedance injectors?

This depends on the driver signal that your ECU delivers to the injector.

If you are victimisation an OEM ECU (even if it is "flashed"), you indigence to measure the resistivity of the OEM injectors and pick out injectors that match the impedance category (high-Z operating room Sir David Alexander Cecil Low-Z) of the OEM injectors. This is the simplest way to verify which type of injectors you need systematic to make reliable you wear't damage your ECU. See ["How do I know if my injector is low impedance or high impedance?"]to determine what injectors you have.

Many a aftermarket ECUs are able to drive both low and high impedance injectors. If you have a concern regarding which you should choose you should adjoin the manufacturer of your ECU or relate to its installation manual to determine the best choice.

If I have a prize, why would I opt a low-Z or richly-Z injector?

Until recently, most performance injectors with high flow rates (900cc/min operating theater more) would likely have been low impedance injectors. This is because in the older (fat torso style) Sir David Alexander Cecil Low impedance injectors ('80s and '90s designs) had faster opening response times and generated less heat when they were being operated with proper peak and hold injector signals. This meant that at high flow rates and lengthier duty cycles low impedance injectors would outperform their high impedance counterparts. Since so many of the performance injectors back and then were low ohmic resistance injectors and they were actually better than their high-z equivalents, the rough-cut notion which stock-still lingers nowadays (though it is no longer correct) is that downhearted-z injectors are the best for your high public presentation vehicle.

Today's high electric resistance injectors, however, are able to outstrip those senior low impedance injectors at larger flow rates imputable their newer designs, tighter manufacturing tolerances and practically lighter moving parts(examples are our 900cc, 1100cc and  2150cc/Fukien injectors). A valve and spring assembly from a current high-z injector Crataegus oxycantha weigh less than 1/3rd of the assemblage from an older injector.

Thanks to this newer technology the current high-z injectors are more linear end-to-end their pulse run; they are fit to repeat shorter pulse widths consistently which means they can cater superior part throttle and unwarranted characteristics, and operate at higher maximum operative pressures.

These facts clear choosing one of the new high-z injectors we offer a no-brainer if your ECU and fuel system setup allows you the prime, and the budget will stretch to the slightly higher intermediate cost.

How much flow can I get from low impedance vs. high impedance injectors?

The latest injector engineering has turned this area upper side down in the finale few geezerhood! Until recently you would see that most of our injectors flowing more than 500cc/min were low impedance injectors since the larger flowing size injectors all came that way. We still sell low impedance injectors (650cc/min up to 1650 cc/minute), but there are now high-z injectors, like our 900cc, 1100cc, and 2150cc units which outperform their senior low-z counterparts quite significantly. These new technology high-Z injectors display great linearity passim the heart rate range and consume fantastic short pulse breadth repeatability which results in blood line-like unemployed and superior part throttle characteristics from these walloping injectors. That does not mean that you have to run high impedance injectors if you need flow over 900cc/Min. There are still lots of customers whose cars were equipped with humiliated impedance injectors as OEM equipment and who are able to use injectors - like our BlueMAX line of 1250cc/Hokkianese through 1650cc/min injectors - which provide enceinte drivability at much inexpensive pricing.

What are the differences between low impedance/peak & hold and top impedance/saturated injectors?

The older fat body style low impedance injectors (1.5 to 4.0 Georg Simon Ohm) accustomed have faster open and close times referable the type of electric signalise pattern emitted by an ECU equipped with proper P&A;H signal transmitters. This "Peak and Halt" injector signal typically uses a high (4 amp) initial ongoing to unfastened the injector, and which reduces to a lower berth (1 adenylic acid) current to living the injector open until the pulse ends. Since this method put less add together current into the coil, the hand-build heated up less and was therefore more reliable. Since the "hold" or depress current part of the signal has created a weaker magnetic branch of knowledg, the injector will also close more quickly.

High impedance injectors (10 to 16 Ohm) are triggered by a low (typically around 1.2 amps) constant current signal and kept open by the same never-ending (saturated) current for the entire cycle. Nearly OEM injectors today are high impedance injectors beingness driven by saturated injector signals from the ECU since car manufacturers are most interested in the simpler saturated signal which is more cost effective to produce when construction ECU's, peculiarly where there is no apparent loss of drivability or performance.

Does my ECU create a P&H signal? - Read "Why does my railway car take over a resistance pack?"

If you are linear a stock (OEM) ECU, the most expected answer is NO! While most recently produced cars left over the factory ball over with high impedance injector driven by saturated signals from the OEM ECU, at that place are few cars (for example the US Toyota Above TDT operating room the Mitsubishi Evo 8 & 9 or all the DSM Turbo cars [Eclipses, Talons, Lasers]) that came with low electrical resistance injectors that should make been nonvoluntary with P&H signals. Wherefore do I have a resistor pack in my motorcar?

There are quite an fewer aftermarket ECUs (although not every) that will be able to provide both saturated and peak and hold injector drivers. Make sure you dress your ECU to match the type of injectors you purchased!

Wherefore do I have a (injector) resistance pack (box) in my car?

The resistor ring is installed to 'fool' your ECU into thinking IT is driving high impedance injectors. Vehicles that have low impedance injectors AND resistor packs get ECUs that utilise a intense signal to maneuver low impedance injectors.

You English hawthorn know, or have read earlier in our FAQ How do I know if my injector is low impedance Oregon high electric resistance? that low impedance injectors are designed to be driven by peak and hold signals. Most of the OE manufacturers that produced cars with small-Z injectors chose a "workaround" to using the low-Z injectors since it wasn't cost effective to produce an ECU with the necessary circuitry and injector drivers to produce these P&H signals for the few piercing performance cars that required it.

The agency they solved the problem was to add a resistor box into the fuel injector harness, thereby increasing the resistance in the circuit to the higher value needed to preclude the ECU injector drivers from overheating out-of-pocket to unreasonable current attractor. (e.g. low-Z injector opposition is 3.0 Ohm, plus in-line resistor of 7.5 Ohm, devising a total resistance of 10.5 Georg Simon Ohm, which is safe for the ECU).

What type of fuel can I use in my injector?

Typically you can use close to any fuel in today's injectors (see 2150cc exclusion below). While the injector will operate normally with just about any fire, you do bear to require some precautions with certain fuels.


This fuel is straight off commonly available for apply available itinerant vehicles and is thence "sanctioned" for use without modification in nowadays's fire systems. Withal, in the performance international we need to take a few extra precautions since we do a a few things otherwise than the typical soccer mom.

1) An important thing to commend is that E85 is 85% ethanol; Alcohol based fuels (equal ethanol) are hygroscopic (attend technical information). That means that if the fuel stands for a while, it bequeath draw out water from the publicise and potentially start corroding (rusting) parts that are non protected. In whatever injector it is necessary for some of the intragroup parts to embody made of metallic element metals since the electromagnet would not be able to open the valve if it were non-ferrous. These ferrous parts can corrode (rust) if not secure. Under mean conditions enough fuel flows through the system to release the water and have the 15% gasoline do its job of some lubricating and protecting the domestic parts against corrosion. If a vehicle is exclusively run from time to tim or the injectors are removed from the sealed fuel arrangement, the injector parts can be exposed to conditions they are not studied for and cause the injector to lock up or exchange the flow.

Under most circumstances we are healthy to clean these injectors and return them to their proper operating condition, but in much cases the effects can be terminal (see 2150cc care).

2) Information technology has come to our aid that the grain alcohol in the E85 dissolves some of the buildup (lacquer) that gasolene leaves behind in a fuel system (this includes the whole fuel supply chain, refinery tanks, tanker trucks and gas base tanks) and carries these solids in suspension all the way through the fuel system (including through all types of common fuel filters). As a outcome, these solids interact with the gasses and other supported chemicals in the intake to form solid deposits. These deposits manifest themselves in a "grim goo" (glue like substance) on the injector nozzle and in the intake tract. Over fourth dimension this buildup can cause the injectors spray shape to convert and eventually blocks some of the flow taboo of the injector.
Patc these deposits can be separate away our cleansing system, you want to be keenly careful of this issue (particularly if you have recently switched to E85) to make a point you suffice not damage your engine as the injector menses decreases.

While we have not found a definite cure for this result, you can try many of this DIY advice with which some of our customers have had succeeder:

-Run a tank of gasoline every 2-3 months to dissolve the buildup.
-Lead fuel cleaners to fade out and remove the deposits (limited success reported here!)
-Clean the fuel tip of the injectors with brake cleaner after identifying buildup during seeable review. This works when the buildup is only external and is only influencing the nebulizer pattern. By the time the buildup is internal and the run over is inhibited by buildup on the valve seat, this eccentric of cleaning testament no more embody effective.

As an additional step to the particular above, you tail taste to pulse the injector (use a 9V battery – see "Can I check whether my injectors are working myself?") while forcing the brake cleaner through the open injector in the normal direction of fuel flow (you answer not want to go more gunk into the valve by posterior-flowing!) Try this at your own risk! We ever suggest a professional cleaning (corresponding those offered away FIC), but we understand sometimes that is not possible.

Unadulterated Intoxicant fuels:

None of the pure alcohol fuels contain any raw lube, so please always hole your systems and/or use fuel additives that specifically address the lack of lubricant. At first the injector will figure out fine, but without lubricant all mechanical systems with metal to metal moving parts bequeath wear causing irreversible legal injury to the injector and other fire system parts.

Q16, VP Spell, and FTW Fuels:
FIC 2150cc/min injector and the incompatibility with MTBE Oxygenated fuels like Q16 and VP Meaning:
Certain injectors (at the time of writing this applies entirely to any of the FIC 2150cc/min high-z injectors) can own incompatibility issues with certain types of fuel. This lie with case applies to an internal o-annulus that swells when information technology comes in contact with the MTBE in oxygenated fuel like Q16  and VP Import, causing the flow rate of the injector to diminution by as much as 30%. This flow variety will turn back if unusual fuel is once again run through and through the injector, but of course running fuels that contain MTBE with this injector is not recommended. In the USA, all fuels containing MTBE should embody clear pronounced; since MTBE is listed American Samoa a carcinogen aside the EPA it is therefore required to be clearly displayed on the after-school of the container.

Can I check whether my injectors are working myself?

From time to tim you English hawthorn want to verify that your injector is working (that the electromagnet is opening the injector valve). This is typically easy to do since the injector makes an audible click when activated. Since the coil wires are planned to be operated with a peculiar amount of on-going and the resistance of the tightly wound coil volition rapidly generate adequate heat to disappear the wires, we come Non commend that you activate your injector with a 12V course from your car battery. Instead it is unexcelled if you wont a low current source, like a 9V battery, which will activate your injector, but without the risk of damage from prolonged grave current.

If you hear the injector "clack", you know the valve is opening. Of path this does not base that everything is perfect, since only a course and pulse test will determine if the injectors are in operation correctly, but you are at least able to William Tell that the injector valve is not stuck open or winking, which can help you eliminate at least some de-bugging issues. Another simple test you can DO at home is to test the electrical resistance across the electric contacts of the injectors. It is extremely extraordinary to have many than one injector fail, so what you are looking for is one injector that does not match the resistance of the others. If the resistivity is much higher or lower than the other injectors, thither is an issue with the coil of the injector in question, and it will need to be replaced.  Injectors that present this failure will typically not pulse during testing, or if they coiffure pulse rate they testament not flow virtually any fuel.

How to take care of your injector when your car is non running regularly

IT is forever a echt idea to expel all fuel from the injectors and spray the injectors with a product that displaces wet, like WD-40 surgery similar due to the facts that gasoline will leave alone deposits that can cause the valve to stick shut, and that some fuels with alcohol content give the axe draw water into the injector internal causing rust-brown.

Click the thumbnail below to view our injector storage bulletin:

The best way to endeavour to neat all the mature fuel and some potential deposits from your injectors is to use not-chlorinated brake cleaner, a 9v battery to pulsation the injector, and nearly 20psi of compressed air to push the pasture brake dry cleaner through the injector. It is an excellent idea to spray the table of contents of the injector into a clean paper towel sol that you can see what was inside the injector. If necessary, repeat the cleaning unconscious process different times. In one case you are finished cleanup the injector with brake cleaner, use WD-40 or a similar corrosion inhibiting/water displacing fluid to keep the internals from corroding until you are ready to use your vehicle again.

What is base fuel pressure?

Base fuel pressure is typically referred to as the pressure to which the fuel pressure sensation governor leave set the start and idle fuel pressure in a particular fuel system.

Stand pressure is remarkable to us in the fuel injector industry and to tuners, since it is single of the factors that we use to define flow of the injectors, which successively is something the ECU has to know to correctly meter the fuel delivered to the motor.

Rising plac Fuel Pressure Regulators (FPR) and Base Pressure

While many a cars whitethorn have rising rate fire pressure regulators that increase the fuel pressure in the fuel vilify when the manifold pressure rises callable to boosted applications, the base pressure is ever the pressure that the injector operates at, since the added insistency ascribable cost increase is on both sides (manifold and fuel rail) of the injector. These two "added" pressures therefore call off each new out and the ECU can carry on assuming that the injector will continue to deliver the same sum of money of fire as when information technology was at "ground" pressure.

At what Pressure wish my injector fail?

Maximum operating pressures of FIC fuel injectors vary from nonmoving to set. Most of our prevailing line of high impedance injectors will produce a repeatable pulse to at least 115psi (8 Block), while the low impedance injectors will produce a quotable pulse to at the least 80psi (5.5 Bar)

When considering the maximum in operation pressure of an injector it is ever important to remember that the additional fire pressure added to the fuel rail is offset operating theater "off out" by the boosted aura hale in the manifold operating theater header. The maximum operating insistency for the injector will therefore ever make up the base pressure sensation and non the maximum fire pressure reading that you may see from your fuel pressure sensor during apex boosted conditions.

Model: You have an injector that has a maximum recommended in operation pressure of 100psi (6.9Bar). You are running 65psi (4.5 Bar) base fuel pressure and 30psi peak boost. Your fuel peak pressure is 95psi. Therefore you are operating within the limits of the injector (which is the squeeze at which your pumps testament have to bear fuel – experience Pump delivery pressure and the injector?)


Pump delivery pressure sensation and the injector?

It is much more likely that the fire pump(s) will fail to deliver the required fire rate of flow at peak encouragement (and hence prime fuel pressure demanded by a uprising value FPR) than the injector failing because you make exceeded the utmost operating pressure of the injector. This is because the injector only operates at "Base Pressure", piece the pumps have to deliver at base plus boost. If you throw ever looked at the delivery graphical record of a fire pump, you bequeath run into how drastically the menstruum decreases as the required delivery pressure rises. It is non a linear relationship AT ALL indeed it is important to check that your pumps crapper deliver if you are planning to levy the base forc (especially in boosted applications).

Because of this, it makes more sense to buy a larger injector and hold back your base pressure take down, instead of turning your hoar 900cc/min (@43.5psi /3 Bar) injectors into 1100cc/min injectors at 65psi (4.5 Bar). E.g., let's say you are running 30psi (2 Barroom) boost, suddenly your pumps have to deliver 1100cc/min per injector at 95psi (6.5 Bar) which is likely more than your fire pump can handle. In that situation you would have to consider adding Sir Thomas More (or more powerful) pumps (and dealing with the associated issues of putt overmuch heat into your fire at idle Oregon low throttle conditions) when instead you could just upgrade to larger injectors.

Do all cars use the like base fire pressure?

No. While some typical base pressures (43.5psi [3 bar] and 58psi [4 legal profession]) are by far the most common, the OE manufacturers buttocks choose any pressure level they constitute suitable during their excogitation.

It is important that you know at which base fuel pressure your car will draw, because that bequeath ascertain what flow rate your ECU has to personify told your injectors wish provide. If you bargain a 650cc injector from us that has been rated at 43.5psi (3Bar) and your fire system of rules runs at 58psi (4Bar), your ECU has to be told you have 750cc injectors, otherwise your machine will outpouring 15% luxurious (or not in the least)!
We typically mention the OEM alkali fire pressure and the flow rate of our injector at that new pressure in the description when it is non the same as the FIC standard 43.5psi (3 bar) pressure that we will have rated the injector at [screenshot example]. However, if you or your radio receiver have hand-picked a custom pressure to run, you should always make secure you know or calculate [Horsepower Calculating machine] what your injector flow plac needs to follow to safely function your motor.

Bernoulli's Principle and Fire Injectors

You may know that when the forc in a fluid rises can a constant sizing opening, there is a formula that we can use to determine the flux change due to this pressure hike. This was derived from Bernoulli's principle, which most of U.S. in all likelihood call up erudition almost in school. Applying this formula, we can determine on the button what flow modification we can accomplish when we raise or lower the base fuel pressure level

This simple formula: Q2 = {√(P2/P1)} x Q1


Q1 = Original injector flow rate

Q2 = Injector flow plac at new insistency

 P1 = Original fuel imperativeness

 P2 = New fire pressure

Alternatively, you bum use our HP Calculator which allows you to calculate the extra power that could embody achieved from an injector if the fuel press was accrued using an adjustable fuel pressure governor. This convention also helps to choose the correct injector menstruation size if your car uses a different base fuel pressure than the hale at which we rank our injectors.

At what pressure does FIC flow test/rate their injectors?

When injectors are flowed at FIC, whether for flow matching or for cleaning services, we use the widely accepted pressure of 3 bar (43.5psi). When all injectors are rated on the comparable basis, it is easy for injectors to be selected aside flow size for particular applications.

If the fuel system that the injectors will be used in does non operate at 43.5 psi (3 bar), they may have to convert their information (you can habit our flow calculator surgery see Bernoulli's Principle and Fire Injectors above), but at to the lowest degree knowing that a 900cc/min injector is larger than a 800cc/min because they were measured on the same basis is made leisurely.

For example, OEM Dodge Atomic number 10 SRT-4 injectors use a 59psi base pressure, thus their injectors would flow about 10% less at 43.5 psi. Knowing this, score sure you convert all flow rates to 43.5 psi when selecting the victorian injector upgrade from our website.

Why do your competitors pop the question injectors with the right punch for my harness and you don't?

FIC always chooses to provide brand early, unused injectors for high performance applications. Since some injectors (especially the larger ones) are only available brand untried with one eccentric of plug, using fireplug and take on (PNP) adaptors or splicing rising connectors into your harness is necessary to put in the injector in your car. Luckily, this is a same straightforward mental process and shouldn't make any concern for potential customers. Some companies prefer to base their public presentation injectors along used 'remanufactured' injectors indeed that the plug fits, but here at FIC we believe that consistent and certain fuel delivery is critical to high performance railway locomotive longevity, and that level of quality and reliability can only be achieved by using brand new injectors.

Wish your injectors stopple into my wiring rein?

If you select your injectors from our website according the make and model in which they bequeath live installed, you will receive everything you need to establis the injectors into that fomite. While most of our injectors "dangle" right in to your car, sometimes a particular flow rate size of injector non to Be available with the plug that matches your application. This becomes more common with larger injectors since they are usually only available with one character of plug.

All framework-specific set of injectors that leaves our warehouse either fits your OE harness plug or includes a plug with pigtails in the box seat that you arse splicing into your harness.

If you don't deficiency to splice any wires during your injector installation, you can choose to steal our plug and play adaptors which are available at a inferior additive charge up. The proper plug and playing period adaptor split number will atomic number 4 listed in the description of the injectors you take or can be saved past checking the "recommended accessories" for that injector set.

Wondering why we don't have injector that plug precise in to your rein when others do? Watch: Why make your competitors offer injectors with the satisfactory stop up for my harness and you don't?

Should I splice connectors onto my factory wiring harness, or should I use Plug and Play adaptors?

Every installation is contrary, and every vehicle owner has their own priorities when playacting modifications. There are merits to both splicing connectors and using plug and play adaptors.

For owners that may want to return their vehicles to stock condition without having any grounds of cutting or splicing, hype and play adaptors are an saint solution. Also, for folks who are impotent to cut and splice the hoopla and play adaptors are double-dyed! The only drawback to plug and play adaptors is that they add one more electrical connective – and of course this is one more potential area for issues to arise.

For owners that want a clean installation with a minimum of redundant wires and plugs in the locomotive colorful, splice pigtails is the way to go. Splice in pigtails too offers the extra benefit of making a solid wire to wire connection, leaving only one individual plug association as opposed to two nag connections with plug and play adaptors. Fuel Injector Clinic recommends soldering in the pigtails connected high performance pelt along applications as it is important to eliminate as galore failure potentials as possible.

Course, it is always up to the several which alternative to use, but residue confident that no matter what Fuel Injector Clinic will always endeavour to allow for our customers with the record-breaking quality products supported by the best customer service in the industry.

who to clean fuel injectors for a 1998 eclipse


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