Easy Pressure Cooker Corn on the Cob

Want intensely-flavored corn on the cob with plump kernels waiting to burst open with every bite? Pressure cook it for a fast flavor-packed meal!

Vito is really glad to have his photo taken while eating.

Pressure cooking corn is faster than conventional cooking since you only have to boil two cups of water instead of a big ol' pot of water.  Steaming the corn under pressure means that the flavor stays in the kernels not the cooking water.

The corn cobs' shape makes this recipe easy because you won't need to fiddle with accessories or use a steamer basket.

Two satisfied pressure cooker corn customers, Ada and Vito.

hip pressure cooker corn tips

  • One to many -Use the method described below to steam one or however many corn cobs will fit in your pressure cooker (usually 9-12). Don't crowd them, leave some room between the corn so the steam can get in there and cook the kernels. The cooking time remains the same whether you're pressure cooking one or twelve ears.
  • Last minute – Keep corn at it's freshest by waiting until just before cooking to husk. Then, wash it well before dropping into the pressure cooker.
  • Snap to fit –  If the cob is too tall, just snap in half and stand each end into the cooker. The corn tips can go over the pressure cooker's "max" line as long they don't interfere with the valves and safety systems – if you're not sure what this means, then just  snap the corn to fit below the max line.
  • Old corn – Not-so-fresh corn will need a longer pressure cooking time (try 5 minutes) because the kernels become tougher and less sweet as the corn ages.
  • Tough wait– To keep the corn warm after cooking without overcooking it (which will make it tough, keep the cooked in the closed pressure cooker (after you've released the pressure, of course) until you're ready to serve.
Eating Corn
Ada REALLY enjoys her freshly pressure-cooked corn.
Pressure Cooker Accessories Pr. Cook Time Pr. Level Open
6 L or larger none 1-2 min. High(2) Normal

Corn on the Cob - Pressure Cooker Recipe

Nutritional Information
(per serving)

  • Serves:8 ears
  • Serving size:2 ears
  • Calories:63
  • TOTAL Fat:1g
  • TOTAL Carbs:14g
  • Sugar Carbs:2.4g
  • Sodium:10mg
  • Fiber Carbs:2g
  • Protein:2.4g
  • Cholesterol:0.0mg

Recipe type:pressure cooker


Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

  • 8 ears corn
  • 2 cups water
  1. Husk the corns, cut off the bottom "stub" and wash well.
  2. To the pressure cooker base add the water, and arrange the corn vertically, with the larger end in the water and the smaller end up - if the ear is too tall lay it diagonally or snap it in half and put the wider end onto the base of the pressure cooker. Do not crowd the corn cobs - leave space around ears for steam to get there and cook the kernels evenly.
  3. Close and lock the lid of the pressure cooker.
  4. Electric pressure cookers: Cook for 2 minutes at high pressure.
    Stovetop pressure cookers: Turn the heat up to high and when the cooker indicates it has reached high pressure, lower to the heat to maintain it and begin counting 1 minute pressure cooking time.
  5. When time is up, open the pressure cooker with the Normal release - release pressure through the valve.
  6. Serve with lots of butter and salt.


Give the husked corn a quick rinse before pressure cooking.
Give the husked corn a quick rinse before pressure cooking.

corn in the pressure cooker

Put the cobs in vertically, if they are too tall lay the cobs diagonally or, snap in half and set the halves vertically.

EASY Pressure Cooker Corn Cobs

EASY Corn on the Cob Pressure Cooker Recipe

What is your favorite way to dress freshly-cooked corn?  Let us know in the comments section!

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